Energy Accounting & Portfolio Manager

Energy Star Certification and Scores

The ENERGY STAR score is a measure of how well a property is performing relative to similar properties across the U.S. – normalized for climate and operational characteristics. The efficiency of two buildings can therefore be compared, even if they are in different climatic regions and operated differently. Certain types of buildings—but not all—with a score of 75 or higher are eligible for ENERGY STAR certification.

There are a number of requirements for buildings to be eligible to receive ENERGY STAR certification and scoring. A complete list of requirements for ENERGY STAR certification and scores is provided in Appendix C. For example, properties need to have:

  • 50% of floor area of one of the 15 eligible property types
  • 12 months of energy use data without gaps or overlaps
  • 30 weekly operating hours (with some exceptions)
  • the minimum required building size for some building type
  • one worker on main shift